Tuesday, December 2, 2008


发信人: ldmiao (阿苗), 信区: Python
标  题: [原创]用Python写的一个Gtalk机器人的框架
发信站: 水木社区 (Sun Apr 20 03:51:43 2008), 转信


参照了python-jabberbot:http://thpinfo.com/2007/python-jabberbot/ 的代码。

可以很方便地写出一个Gtalk 的聊天机器人,有兴趣的可以玩一下~

PyGtalkRobot: An open source gtalk robot framework in Python using XMPPPY li
brary referencing python-jabberbot.



Instant Message(IM) bot is very convenient and helpful for users. Users can
just type a few of words to get what they need, no need to open a browser or
 any other software.

There are many IM bots that can serve users very conveniently, for example,
mini blog bots(such as http://fanfou.com/ ), dictionary bots( such as a Chin
ese-English dictionary bot dictman@gmail.com), RSS bots(such as anothr@gmail


PyGtalkRobot is a framework for developing Gtalk robot very easily.

You can just write tens of lines of python code to make your own bots online

PyGtalkRobot use Regular Expression Pattern as the command controller, which
 means that developers can develop very complicated command system and more
intelligent Gtalk bots.


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